Bermuda's international and local insurers A to L Part 1 of 2
Specialty risk, captive, excess liability, property catastrophe, etc. offered by multi-nationals
By Keith Archibald Forbes (see About Us) exclusively for Bermuda Online
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See Bermuda's Insurance Advantages, which also describes the Categories (Classes) of Bermuda-based Insurance Companies and Bermuda's Insurance Companies M to Z.
This file lists many Bermuda incorporated international - not domestic unless shown as local - insurance & reinsurance companies
When telephoning, dial area code 441 first. Jurisdictional regulatory agency is the Insurance Division of Bermuda Monetary Authority.
All shown are limited liability companies.
A - American
AAA Risk Solutions
Aberdeen Assurance (Bermuda)
Formed 13 May 2003. Class 1.
ABIC Insurance
Formed 20 October 2003. Class 3.
Acadia Life International
P. O. Box HM 2064, Hamilton HM HX.
Acadia Life
As above
Accord Re
28 Church Street, Hamilton HM 12. Phone 292-4006. Fax 292-3865.
Accord Underwriting Agency
Continental Building, 25 Church Street, Hamilton HM 12. Phone 292-4006.
Ace Group of Companies
Rated A+. World HQ in Bermuda. Ace Building, 30 Woodbourne Avenue, Hamilton HM 08. Phone 295-5200. Fax 295-5221. P. O. Box HM 1015, Hamilton HM DX, Bermuda. Subsidiaries include ACE Bermuda Insurance Ltd; ACE Capital Re International Ltd (phone 292-2603); ACE Risk Management International Ltd; ACE Tempest Life Reinsurance Ltd; ACE Tempest Reinsurance Ltd. Regional headquarters are Bermuda, London, including Lloyd's Syndicate 2488, Stamford and Dublin.
Ace Tempest Re Group
the reinsurance division of the Ace Group of Companies. In 2007 established an underwriting presence at Lloyd's Reinsurance Company (China) Limited, Lloyd's new licensed reinsurance company based in Shanghai. Offers all lines of property and casualty facultative and treaty reinsurance to the Chinese market, fully supported by Ace's existing Lloyd's Syndicate 2488.
Advent Re
Formed December 2006
Aeolus Re
Formed 2006, Class 4. Incorporated June 2006. Another post-Hurricane Katrina start-up with a capital base exceeding $1 billion. The bulk of the investment came from two private equity investors, Warburg Pincus and Merrill Lynch Global Private Equity. Founded by Peter Appel and David Eklund as the reinsurance unit of Aeolus Ltd. Provides fully collateralized property catastrophe protection to insurers and reinsurers on both an ultimate net loss and industry loss warranty basis.
AEGIS Electric & Gas Insurance Solutions
Incorporated 1January 2002. Class 3.
Aetna Life and Casualty (Bermuda)
Victoria Hall, 11 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 11. 292-1361. Fax 299-8813
Affiliates Insurers
Formed 23 October 2002. Class 3.
Agatha Re
Incorporated 28 November 2001. Class 3.
AIG Cat Excess Liability
P. O. Box HM 152, Hamilton HM AX. Formerly Starr Excess International. Has between 500 and 600 clients in Bermuda. A property and casualty subsidiary of AIG providing catastrophic excess liability products, services and solutions plus capability to offer policies on an admitted basis.
Airline Mutual Insurance
Managed by Thomas Miller (Bermuda) Ltd
Airways Assurance
C/o Conyers Dill & Pearman
Aggcap Insurance
Incorporated 15 March 2002. Class 2.
Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda)
Crown House, 3rd Floor, 4 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton HM 08. Or P. O. Box HM 2983, Hamilton HM MX. 296-9150. Alea Bermuda Ltd. is a property and casualty insurance company. Also with offices in Bahrain, Basle, Jersey (CI), Kuala Lumpur, London, New York, Norwalk (CT), Rocky Hill, Sydney, Toronto, Tokyo and Tunis. Now owned by Fortress Investment Group LLC, which manages private equity and hedge funds.
Alea (Bermuda)
P. O. Box HM 2983, Hamilton HM MX. A member of the Alea Group. Underwriting for Aviation and Space, Finite and CAT.
Alberti Re
Formed 2006, Class 3
AlfaStar Insurance Group
formerly Stirling Cooke Brown. Chairman Stephen Crane.
Alice Re
Formed 2006, Class 1.
Allianz Risk Transfer (Bermuda) - (ART)
55 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton HM 11. 295-4722. Fax 295-2867. Allianz is the leading insurer in Germany and Austria.
Allied World Assurance Company - (AWAC)
Bermuda Commercial Bank Building, 43 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 12. Phone 278-5400. Fax 296-3428. P. O. Box 3010, Hamilton HM MX.. A commercial property, casualty. reinsurance and specialty lines insurer. Incorporated 13 November 2001. Property and catastrophe insurance and reinsurance. With US$1.5 billion in capital. A joint venture between American International Group Inc, Chubb Corporation, GS Capital Partners 2000 LP, an investment fund managed by Goldman Sachs & Co. Class 4. Also in Dublin.
Alternative Reinsurance
C/o Conyers Dill & Pearman, Bermuda.
Amerimed Insurance
Incorporated November 6, 2002. Class 1.
Amlin Bermuda
2005. Class 4. Largest independent Lloyd's insurance group. Parent is Amlin plc of UK. With total capital in the region of $1 billion.
American Senterfitt Insurance Company
Incorporated 30 October 2001. Class 1.
American Fire & Marine
48 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton HM 11. Phone 295-6986
American General Life of Bermuda
A subsidiary of American General Corp. In 2001, it took over and renamed Templeton General Life of Bermuda Ltd. Taken over in 2001 by AIG
American Indemnity Insurance Company
Belvedere Building, Pitt's Bay Road, Pembroke. Phone 292-7569
American International to Axis
American International Underwriters Group (Bermuda)
29 Richmond Road, Hamilton HM 08. Phone 295-2121. Fax 292-6735. Owned by American International Group, world's largest insurer by market value, founded in Shanghai, China, in 1919. New York-headquartered but with a prominent Bermuda office.
American Investors Insurance (Bermuda)
American & Overseas Reinsurance Management Company
American Safety Insurance Holdings
(770) 485-4310. Toll free: (800) 388-3647. Fax: (770) 952-7507.
Amerisure Re (Bermuda)
Windsor Place, Church, Queen and Reid Streets, Hamilton.
Amlin Bermuda
Incorporated 24 October 2005. A new $1 billion reinsurer being formed by Amlin, one of the largest UK-listed Lloyd’s insurers.
Anderson Hill Insurance
ANECO Reinsurance Co
The first publicly held reinsurance firm in Bermuda.
Annuity & Life Reinsurance
Cumberland House, 1 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 11. P. O. Box HM 98, Hamilton HM AX. Lawrence S. Doyle. Arrived 1998. A subsidiary of Annuity & Life Re America, formerly Capitol Bankers Life Insurance Company. Provided annuity and life reinsurance to insurers through its wholly owned subsidiaries, Annuity and Life Reassurance, Ltd. and Annuity and Life Reassurance America, Inc.
Aon (Bermuda)
Phone (441) 295-0265. Top floor, Cumberland House, Victoria Street, Hamilton. P. O. Box HM 2450, Hamilton HM JX. Specialist insurance, broking, reinsurance expertise and consulting. One of the first in Bermuda.
Appalachian Re (Bermuda)
Formed 2006, Class 3
Aquila Energy Re
Aquila Inc. of the USA is a leading wholesaler of electric power and natural gas. It was seriously buffeted by the Enron fiasco. As a result, the Bermuda company is wound down its operations. It closed its Bermuda office and reduced its staff to 1.
Arcata National Insurance
Incorporated 13 December 2001. Class 2.
Archimedes Risk Solutions
Incorporated 3 June 2002. Class 2.
Arch Reinsurance
Craig Appin House, Wesley Street, Hamilton. P. O. Box HM 1826, Hamilton HM HX. Telephone (441) 296-8240. P. O. Box HM 1826, Hamilton HM HX. Broad-based multi-line reinsurance. Originally Risk Capital Reinsurance Company. Capital US$ 1 billion. Moved to Bermuda from Delaware on November 8, 2000 to avoid US taxes. Part of Arch Capital Group of USA. Arch Capital Group Bermuda and Arch Merger Corporation were formed in July 2000. More than 25 percent is owned by XL Capital. In 2000, Arch acquired Hales, a private American merchant bank specializing in insurance. Class 4.
Ardra Insurance Company
Owned by Richard and Jean DiLoreto of USA.
Argo Group International Holding
Formed by the 2007 merger between PXRE and US insurer Argonaut Group, 110 Pitts Bay Road, formerly the office of PXRE. An international underwriter of specialty insurance and reinsurance products in niche areas of the property and casualty market.
Argus Insurance Company
Local. 12 Wesley Street, Hamilton HM 11. P. O. Box HM 1064, Hamilton HM EX. Telephone 295-2021. Fax 292-6763. Argus expanded its property and casualty portfolios with the acquisitions of Bermuda-based Aviva Plc. and the Gibraltar property and casualty company, Norwich Union International Insurance.
Argus International Life Bermuda
see above
Ariel Re
Incorporated 2005 by by former ACE executive Don Kramer and investors. Queen Street, Hamilton. The company took over the infrastructure and offices of reinsurer Rosemont Re, a Bermuda company owned by troubled UK parent, Goshawk Insurance Holdings Plc., that is now effectively in run-off.
Incorporated 21 January 2002. Class 3.
Ark Syndicate Management
2007. A Bermuda-based holding company, with investors including Swiss Re and Lehman Brothers, as a new Lloyd's of London underwriting vehicle. Approved by Britain's Financial Services Authority and Lloyd's, it underwrites a diversified book of insurance and reinsurance in marine, energy, property and casualty classes.
Arlington Insurance Company
Formed 9 October 2002. Class 3.
Armitage International Insurance
Incorporated September 21, 2001. Class 1.
Arrow Capital
Incorporated 24 October 2005. Owned by investment firm Goldman Sachs Group, and is an addition to Arrow Re.
Arrow Reinsurance Co
2005. Class 4. Wholly owned subsidiary of The Goldman Sachs Group Inc of New York.
Artex Underwriting Managers
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co (Bermuda) Ltd, Sofia House, 48 Church Street, P. O. Box HM 2000, Hamilton HM HX.
Arthur J. Gallagher Intermediaries (Bermuda)
Sofia House, 48 Church Street, P. O. Box HM 2000, Hamilton HM HX. A subsidiary of Arthur G. Gallagher & Co. Ltd, 4th largest insurance brokerage in the world.
Ascend Financial Services
Incorporated 2004 as an imported financial guaranty reinsurer to Bermuda
Ascend Guaranty
as above
Ascend Insurance Group
as above
Formed late 2005
Asco Bermuda
Incorporated 22 March 2002. Class 1.
Aspen Insurance
P. O. Box HM 1826, Hamilton HM HX. Incorporated late 2002. Commenced operations in Bermuda in December 2002 as a Class 4. Property and casualty. Capitalized at US$200 million.
Aspen Insurance Holdings
Holding company of above, formally known as Exali Reinsurance Holdings Ltd. Also owns Wellington Reinsurance Ltd, based in London.
Asset Alliance Reinsurance
Incorporated 30 October 2001. Class 3.
Associated Electric & Gas Insurance Services (AEGIS)
One of the principal Bermuda companies.
Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers
A trade group representing the major entities, with a list of their members and other principal links.
Assured Guaranty
Incorporated 2003 when ACE Limited spun off its financial guaranty arm. Its US direct financial guaranty insurer is Assured Guaranty Corp.
Asurion Japan Re
Formed 2006, Class 3
Assurex Global Reinsurance
3 October 2003. Class 2.
Atlantic Star Insurance
Formerly Stirling Cooke Brown.
Atrax Medical Group
Attorneys' Liability Assurance Society (Bermuda)
Cumberland House, 1 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 11. P. 0. Box HM 1289, Hamilton HM FX. Phone 292-9989. A large mutual insurance company providing professional liability coverage to member USA law firms. US operations include ALAS in Chicago.
Aviva Plc
See under Argus
AWCI Insurance Company
17 October 2003. Class 2.
Axa Insurance PLC
75 Front Street, Hamilton HM 12. Telephone 296-3600. Fax 295-6209.
Axa Financial (Bermuda)
Formed 25 November 2003. Long Term. As above
Axa Re
Owned by above
Axis Capital Holdings
See below. John Charman is CEO/President/Director of Bermuda-based Axis Capital Holdings Ltd and Axis Specialty Ltd.
Axis Specialty
Mayflower Building, Par-la-Ville and former Partner Re Building, Pitts Bay Road. Incorporated 8 November 2001. Property, aviation, war and other insurance. Formed by March & McLennan Cos. Inc. with US$1.6 billion in capital. Class 4.
Banyan Re
Formed 25 April 2003. Class 3.
Barmas Insurance Co.
Incorporated 1 October 2001. Class 1.
Bay Point Re
Incorporated May 29, 2006. Class 3. Harbor Point’s so-called ‘side car’ vehicle. As a sidecar, it provides reinsurance for short-tail business to Harbor Point.
BBP Insurance
Formed 2006, Class 3
BB&T Insurance Company
Incorporated 15 November 2001. Class 3.
B&C International Insurance Company
Incorporated 3 July 2002. Class 3.
BF&M Insurance Group
Local. 112 Pitts Bay Road, Pembroke HM 06. Telephone 295-5566. Fax 292-8604.
Bejar Indemnity (Bermuda)
Incorporated 2 May 2002. Class 3.
Bellago Insurance
Berkshire Hathaway Assurance Corp
A Warren Buffet company. 2007. His Berkshire Hathaway investment company, also Bermuda owned, injected $5bn into to this bond insurance company.
Bermaco Insurance Company
Chevron House, Hamilton. Phone 295-2187
Bermuda International Reinsurance Services
Formed 2006, Class 3 Long Term
Bermuda Life Insurance Company
Local. Part of the Argus Group. 12 Wesley Street, Hamilton HM 11. P. O. Box HM 1064, Hamilton HM EX. Telephone 295-2021. Fax 292-6763.
Bermuda Provident Company
Local. Armoury Building, Reid Street, Hamilton. Telephone 295-3758. Fax 292-1210.
Benfield Group
Wessex House, Reid Street, Hamilton. Incorporated June 2002, initially with capital of US$12,000 but now increased to $2.6 billion. World's largest exclusive reinsurance broker. UK-based. Also has non-insurance subsidiaries. US operations are Benfield Blanch Inc. UK operations are Benfield Group PLC. Benfield Grieg remains the trading name for reinsurance broking operations outside the USA. Benfield Grieg (Bermuda) and Benfield Advisory are other Bermuda vehicles.
Biomet Insurance
Formed 17 June 2003. Class 3.
Black Gold Re
Formed 2006, Class 1
Blue Ocean Reinsurance
2005. Due to a $133 million investment by Montpelier Re Holdings. It offers retrocessional protection, or reinsurance for reinsurers, in the property catastrophe market and does so to parties other than Montpelier.
Blue Reinsurance
Formed 6 June 2003
Bott & Associates
Bridge Re
British American Insurance Company
Local. 133 Front Street, Hamilton HM 12. Telephone 292-2020. Fax 295-6124.
Brit Insurance Holdings
Formed December 2006
BrokerageAmerica LLC
Of New York, with a Bermuda office.
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Insurance Co.
Incorporated 22 May 2002. Class 2.
BW Assurance Corporation
Incorporated 23 September 2002. Class 2.
Cahow Insurance
Incorporated 22 July 2002. Class 1.
Cambridge International Insurance Company
Formed 2006, Class 1
Canada Life Insurance Company
Represented in Bermuda by Kitson & Company. 20 Church Street, Hamilton HM 11. Telephone 295-2525.
Canada Life Financial Corporation
Established in 1999, holding company for Canada Life.
Canopius Underwriting Bermuda (CUBL)
Subsidiary of Canopius Group Ltd, one of the biggest privately-owned Lloyd's insurance underwriting businesses.
Canopy Assurance
Incorporated 15 November 2001. Class 1.
Captech Reinsurance Company
C/o Trott & Duncan
Incorporated 4 September 2002. Class 2.
Carter Insurance Company
Incorporated 25 November 2003. Class 1
Carolina Re
Collapsed following investigation of US-based Fortress Re.
CastlePoint Holdings
Since November 2005. A Hamilton-based holding company that provides property and casualty insurance and reinsurance products and services primarily to small insurance companies and programme underwriting agents in the US. Tower Group Inc., a New York-based specialty property and casualty insurance company, was CastlePoint’s sponsor, has a 16% interest and is the company’s largest customer, according to the prospectus filed in 2006 with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
CastlePoint Re
See above. Formed 2006, Class 3.
Castle Re Insurance Company
Incorporated 7 November 2001. Long Term.
Subsidiary of Castlewood Holdings Ltd.
Castlewood Holdings
Incorporated in November 2001 with Trident Holdings and a group of investors known as Castlewood Principals to manage and acquire insurance and reinsurance companies including those in liquidation and to provide management, consulting and other services to the insurance and reinsurance industry. Windsor Place, Church, Queen and Reid Streets, Hamilton.
Castlewood Risk Management (CRM)
P. O. Box HM 2267, Hamilton HM JX. One of the above companies. Changed its name from Powerscourt Group Ltd - established by Irish resident John Kane - which had taken its name from the mansion, gardens and business operations of Powerscourt in Ireland owned by the Slazenger family. A privately owned professional insurance services company headquartered in Bermuda. Castlewood also has offices in the Lloyd's Building in London and Guildford near London.
Cataline Insurance
Since May 2008.
Catlin Insurance Company (CICL)
Swan Building, Victoria Street, Hamilton. P. O. Box HM 1287, Hamilton HM FX. Incorporated by WestGen. Lloyds of London insurer and reinsurer. A member of the Catlin Group. Rated A by AM Best.
Catlin Westgen Group
Owners of above.
Cat Pool Re
Incorporated 1 October 2001. Class 3.
A holding company and reinsurance operating company that has assumed 50% of the business of St. Paul Travelers CATRisk operation pending its acquisition by affiliates of San Francisco private equity investors Hellman & Friedman LLC and Friedman Fleischer & Lowe LLC. A specialty property and casualty insurer providing coverage for clients with significant catastrophe exposures. The company provides non-admitted homeowners insurance primarily in Florida and Texas and admitted residential earthquake in California and Washington. It operates through three interrelated specialty insurance companies: residential earthquake insurers, GeoVera Insurance Company and Pacific Select Property, and surplus lines carrier, USF&G Specialty Insurance Company.
Cavu Re
Since June 23, 2008. Class 3.
Centre Solutions (Bermuda)
Rated A. One of Bermuda's top reinsurers. Since 1988. Waterfront, Zurich Centre, Pitts Bay Road, Pembroke. (441) 295-8501. (441) 295-3705. Name changed from Centre Re in 1998. Bought by Zurich in 1991 for a reported US$ 7 billion. Parent is Zurich Financial Services. Many offices overseas.
Centurion Insurance Services
Local. Part of the Argus Group. Craig Appin House, 8 Wesley Street, Hamilton HM 11. Telephone 296-2000. Fax 295-8637.
CFM Insurance Managers
3rd Floor, 44 Church Street, Hamilton HM 12. Phone 296-1051.
CFTS Bermuda
Incorporated November 2003
Champlain Insurance Company
Victoria Hall, 11 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 11. (441) 292-6357. (441) 292-1893. Voice mail extension 229 at (441) 295-3550.
Charles Taylor & Company (Bermuda)
Chelsea Insurance Co
Incorporated 1 May 2002. Class 3.
Chevron International
Chiquita International
Chubb Atlantic Indemnity
Belvedere Building, 69 Pitt's Bay Road, Hamilton HM 08. (441) 292-7343. (441) 296-1728. Owned by Chubb in USA. There is also Chubb Re, Inc.
CIFG Holding and CIFG Guaranty
A $1.4 billion French insurance and reinsurance organization that moved its headquarters to Bermuda in 2007. It's CIFG Europe will stay a French-resident entity and CIFG Assurance North America will remain a New York-domiciled company. It provides insurance and reinsurance for investment grade transactions in the structured finance, public finance and project finance markets in the US and Europe. A major shareholder is Natixis, offering a range of business activities and services in the retail, commercial and investment banking sectors.
September 2004. Suite 1774, 48 Par la Ville Road, Hamilton HM 11. A Citadel hedge fund company, as the result of pressure to put new investment money to work.
Incorporated in Bermuda 27 September 2001. Class 3.
Citygroup Inc
CEO Sanford Weill.
Citycorp International Insurance Trust
Victoria Hall, 11 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 11. (441) 298-6666. (441) 298-6611
Claddaugh Casualty Insurance
Since May 2008
CNA Butterfield & Son
1 Park Road, Hamilton HM 09. Telephone 295-5519. Fax 292-7972.
CNA Risk Services
Colonial Group International Company
Jardine House, 33-35 Reid Street, Hamilton HM 12. Or P. O. Box HM 1559, Hamilton HM FX. Phone 296-3700.
Colonial Insurance Group
As above. Local.
Colonial Medical Insurance
As above. Phone 296-3200.
Colonial Private Trustee
As above
Commercial Guarantee Assurance
Craig Appin House, 8 Wesley Street, Hamilton HM 11. Phone 296-3165.
Commercial Risk Partners
Subsidiary of French reinsurer SCOR.
Commercial Risk Reinsurance Co
The Waterfront, 96 Pitt's Bay Road, Pembroke HM 12. Phone 292-9744. Fax 292-9743. Established by Commercial Risk Partners.
Concord Re
Formed August 2006, Class 3. AIG's $730 million Bermuda-based sidecar set up to reinsure US property risks written by AIG subsidiary Lexington Insurance Co.
Converium Holdings AG
Since October 2001, assumed third party reinsurance business operations of Zurich Financial Services. A global lead reinsurer for all major lines of non-life and life insurance organized around four underwriting hubs.
CMDC Guaranty Company (Bermuda)
Formed 2006, Class 3.
Credit National Bermuda
Formed 2006, Class 3
CRM Holdings Inc.
Holding company of US compensation insurance specialist Compensation Risk Managers LLC (CRM)
Cross Bay Capital Re
2007, Class 3
Crown Colony Insurance Company
Formed 18 September 2002. Class 1.
CTFS Bermuda
Formed 25 October 2003. Class 3 and Long Term.
Incorporated 22 November 2001. Long Term.
Cyprus Reinsurance
Cyrus Re
Formed late 2005, after the industry was hit by billion dollar claims from heavy hurricane activity. With lead investor Highfields Capital, a Boston-based hedge fund company, to provide reinsurance under a quota-share treaty to XL.
Cyrus Reinsurance 2
A sidecar of XL Re Ltd
Danish Re Bermuda)
A Bermuda-registered global insurer underwriting at Lloyds of London
Danube Insurance
D'Artagnan Re Bermuda
Incorporated September 2002. Class 4.
D'Artagnan Holdings
Incorporated 5 August 2002 by a group of former Axa Re directors to hold the above.
Da Vinci Re
Formed 21 December 2001. Renaissance House, 8 Crow Lane, East Broadway, Pembroke. P. O. Box HM 2547, HM GX, Bermuda. CEO James Stanard. Property catastrophe and casualty cover on a world-wide basis. With US$500 million in capital by Bermuda-based Renaissance Reinsurance Ltd. and State Farm Mutual Reinsurance Company. Managed by Renaissance Underwriting Managers Ltd. 55 staff in Bermuda, all in offices of Renaissance Re. No staff work specifically for Da Vinci Re. Class 4.
D. E. Shaw Re (Bermuda)
Formed 2006, Class 3.
Durham Casualty Company
Formed 24 October 2001 after September 11, 2001 World Trade Center loss. Class 1.
Eastport Insurance Company
Windsor Place, 18 Queen Street, Hamilton. Phone 295-5425.
East End Insurance
Formed 2006, Class 3 Long Term
Electronics Technology Insurance Company
Incorporated November 2003. Class 2
Element Reinsurance
Elwood Insurance Limited
General Electric's Bermuda-based captive, in liquidation
Empyrean Re
2007. Capitalized with $150 million of equity capital, by the London-based Man Group plc, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Man Group Holdings Ltd., the asset management division of Man Group plc. Operates as a Bermuda-based reinsurer writing direct, reinsurance and retrocessional short-term trade credit coverage produced through the broker market. Empyrean Re’s assets will be partially invested in high quality, short-term fixed income securities and partially invested in a fund of funds, namely RMF Four Seasons, a diversified portfolio from a Man Group plc subsidiary. Man Group plc is a global provider of alternative investments products and is listed on the London Stock Exchange (EMG: LN) and is a constituent of the FTSE 100.
Endurance Specialty Insurance
Incorporated 26 November 2001. Zurich Centre, 90 Pitt's Bay Road, Hamilton HM 08. Phone (441) 278-0400. Fax (441) 278-0401. Major investors include Aon Corporation, Zurich Financial Services, Capital Z Financial Services, Fund II, Thomas H. Lee Partners, Texas Pacific Group and Perry Capital. Offers business including property/casualty reinsurance, excess workers compensation reinsurance, aviation liability, D&O insurance and excess general liability. Class 4.
Energy Risk
Since April 2005. Class 1.
Enhance Reinsurance Bermuda
Enron Re
The reinsurance unit of Enron Corp in USA that applied for bankruptcy protection. It has assets including US$7.9 million and a reported $8.93 million in liabilities. It was one of 7 Enron Bermuda-registered subsidiaries.
Enstar Group
A 2006 holding company of Enstar USA based in Georgia, USA, operating several equity affiliates in the financial services industry. Acquires and manages re/insurance companies in run-off and provides management, consultancy and other services to the insurance and reinsurance industry. Together with Trident Holdings and a group of investors known as Castlewood Principals, it formed Castlewood Holdings in Bermuda in November, 2001 to pursue the management and acquisition of insurance and reinsurance companies, including companies in run-off, and to provide management, consulting and other services to the insurance and reinsurance industry. AMP Limited, Australia's biggest life insurer, sold its Cobalt-Gordian reinsurance businesses to Enstar Group for A$585 million ($518 million) in late 2007.
Enterprise Re
Purchased by Imagine Re in June 2001
Eon Group
January 2008. Class 2.
A supplier of reinsurance, specializing in life accident and health product development, as well as direct insurance to financial institutions. Although Bermuda-based, it also has offices in London, Dublin, Lisbon, Hong Kong, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur.
E-Trade Re
Formed 23 October 2002. Class 3.
Equator Reinsurances
Bermuda-based, incorporated by Act of Parliament 20 March 2002
European Insurance Company of Zurich
P. O. Box HM 1767, Hamilton HM GX.
European Finance Reinsurance
Incorporated 2002. Class 3 and Long Term.
Everest Reinsurance (Bermuda)
Rated A+. One of Bermuda's top reinsurers internationally. Formed in 2000. Writes primary and excess property insurance for US Fortune 500 firms and global accounts.
Evergreen Insurance Co.
P. O. Box HM 2775, Hamilton HM LX. (441) 296-2977. (441) 296-4565
Exporters Insurance Company
Ace Building, 30 Woodbourne Avenue, Hamilton HM 08. (441) 296-1745. (441) 292-8662. Trade credit insurer.
Formed 2006, Class 2
Falvey Insurance Co.
Incorporated 28 February 2002. Class 2.
FGS (Bermuda)
Incorporated 17 September 2001. Class 1.
Financial Security Assurance International
XL House, 1 Bermudiana Road, Hamilton HM 11. P. O. Box HM 1272, Hamilton HM FX. Phone 292-6683. Fax 292-4338.
Finance & Risk Services
Fine Art Insurance Co.
Victoria Hall, 11 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 11. (441) 292-3433. (441) 297-9787
First Advent Re
Formed in 2006
Fitzwilliam Insurance
Incorporated 15 March 2002. Class 3.
Five Families Insurance
Formed 2006, Class 1
Flagstone Re
Incorporated December 2005 in the wake of the devastation of hurricanes Wilma, Rita and Katrina on the US by Bermuda hedge fund management company West End Capital and based out of the latter's Church Street offices. Writes property, property catastrophe and specialty and casualty reinsurance. While its main underwriting office is in Bermuda, its data centre and back officer work is done in Halifax, Nova Scotia and part of its catastrophe modeling and risk analysis is done in the low cost jurisdiction of Hyderabad in India. The company is also building up a separate European underwriting platform in Switzerland, while its international reinsurance marketing is carried out in London. It has a 28.5 percent stake in Cayman Islands-based insurer Island Heritage Holdings Ltd. Employs 95 people globally, of which around one-third work at its Church Street offices. The others are spread out, mostly in Canada and India, but also at small offices in London and Switzerland. "The company realised that in certain jobs it is hard to get the locals to do the work because of limited availability, so rather than try to have those jobs in Bermuda where you have to get the people through immigration and there is the high costs, we decided to have them from the very beginning somewhere else. So what we have is access to lots of big talent pools and no immigration problems because they are working in their own country.” Flagstone has accountancy, legal claims, and IT support and networking based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, while in Hyderabad, India, it has a catastrophe modeling team, development operation and research and development group. The cost of bringing someone in (to Bermuda) is very high. It’s hard for them to make a career move because they can’t stay here forever, so it’s much easier to employ someone in their own country with lower cost base where there is no issue about them getting a job and they can stay with us as long as they want. Payroll tax does increase the cost of doing business here and is one of the factors that people look at when they are doing business. It costs a lot for lots of good reasons; it’s a small Island with limited resources and limited labour pool and that tends to drive up prices. I’m not complaining about, it’s just a fact. The higher those costs get the more people will start looking for alternatives like we chose.”
Flatiron Re
Incorporated December 14, 2005 as a limited-life, special-purpose Class 3 reinsurance company set up specifically to offer reinsurance to Bermuda-based Arch Reinsurance Ltd.
Fortress Insurance Company
Conyers Dill & Pearman
Freisenbruch-Meyer Group
Local. 75 Front Street, Hamilton. Telephone (441) 296-3600. Fax (441) 295-6209.
Freisenbruch-Meyer Insurance
Incorporated 26 April 2002. Class 3.
Frontier Re
A wholly owned subsidiary of Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co. Ltd. (MSI), the main trading subsidiary of Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group Holdings, Inc. Serves as one of MSIG's strategic insurance vehicles designed to achieve the group's geographical portfolio optimization and risk diversification.
GC Insurance
Incorporated 12 December 2001. Class 1.
GeneralCologne Re (Bermuda)
Continental Building, Hamilton HM 12. Phone 295-8879
General Security Insurance Company
Incorporated 10 October 2003. Class 1.
GeoVera Insurance Holdings
A supplier of specialty residential property insurance products in hurricane-prone markets such as Florida, South Carolina and Texas, and earthquake-vulnerable states such as California, Oregon and Washington. Provides specialty residential property insurance products, focusing on two lines of business, specialty homeowners and residential earthquake. Fairfield, California, is its primary place of business.
GFC St. George
Victoria Hall, 11 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 11. (441) 296-8891. (441) 296-8892
Glencoe Insurance
Renaissance House, 8-12 East Broadway, Hamilton HM 19. (441) 296-3235. Fax (441) 295-4029. Owned by Renaissance Re.
Goshawk Insurance Holdings
Incorporated 26 November 2001. Par-la-Ville Place, Hamilton. Owned by UK insurer Goshawk Holdings PLC - which owns and manages Syndicate 102 at Lloyd's of London.. Class 4.
Global Risk Underwriters
Formed 2006, Class 1
Global Reinsurance Capital
Formed 17 June 2003. Class 3.
Globe Re
Since May 2008. A new $133 million "sidecar" with investors being German reinsurance company Hannover Re and independent reinsurance and risk intermediary Benfield Group. Created to provide extra capacity for US natural catastrophe risks.
Goodhealth Worldwide
Acquired in September 2007 by health care benefit provider Aetna. Underwrites international private medical insurance that offers expatriate benefits to individuals, small and medium enterprises, and large multinational clients around the world. Owned until take-over by international insurance business Primary Group. Has more than 55,000 members and 170 employees with offices also in Miami, London, Dubai, Jakarta, Hong Kong and Shanghai. Now a unit of AGB, Aetna's international business for expats.
Goshawk Reinsurance
Incorporated August 2002. Subsidiary of above.
Governance Re
Formed October 20, 2007
Grand Central Credit Insurance
Formed 1 May 2003. Class 3.
Grand Central Re
Established in May 2001 as a joint venture between Germany's second-largest bank HypoVereinsbank and Bermuda-based reinsurer Max Re. Class 4
Greenlight Capital Re
2005. Capitalizes on growing demand for insurance products. A hedge fund based company.
Greif Insurance Company
Formed 16 October 2002. Class 1.
Greenwich Knight Insurance Company
Incorporated November 2003. Class 3.
Guaranteed Finance Co.
Victoria Hall, 11 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 11. (441) 296-8889. (441) 296-8890
Guaranteed Weather Re
Formed 5 May 2003. Class 3.
GX Insurance
Incorporated 12 December 2001 as a direct result of the tragic September 11, 2001 World Trade Center and related events. Class 1.
Guaranty Direct Insurance Co.
Guy Carpenter & Company
P. O. Box HM 2444, Hamilton HM JX. Pitts Bay Road, Hamilton. Reinsurance. Since 2000. One of the Marsh and McLennan companies. In 2006, it placed in excess of $4 billion in premiums with Bermuda-based companies.
H to K
Hannover Life Re (Bermuda)
2007. 50 Parliament Street, Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda, or by mail at P. O. Box HM 2373, HM JX, Bermuda. Phone 294-3110. Fax 296-7568. Subsidiary of Hannover Re, fifth-largest reinsurance company in the world.
Hanseatic Eastern Insurance Company (Bermuda)
Windsor Place, 18 Queen Street, Hamilton. Phone 295-5425. Incorporated in Bermuda in 2002 under the Hanseatic Insurance Company (Bermuda) Ltd. Act 2002.
Harbor Point Re
2005. Class 4. A $1.5 billion global reinsurer formed in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Set up by investments from private equity fund Trident III, L.P. and insurance giant Chubb Corporation. With Chubb's reinsurance business. Chubb has 16%, with staff from Chubb. Shares office space with Chubb Atlantic Indemnity in the Belvedere Building on Pitts Bay Road.
Hardy Underwriting Bermuda
Lloyds of London insurer. Re-domiciled from UK to Bermuda. Plans on opening a Bermuda office in 2009. Writes specialty lines and is best known for its aviation coverage, particularly helicopters and small aircraft. It also insures ships and their cargoes, as well as offering property, terrorism and health insurance.
Hardy Underwriting
$200 million-capitalized insurance and reinsurance company. It re-domiciled from London to Bermuda in 2007/2008. Class 3 reinsurance unit with a holding company.
Harrington International Insurance
P. O. Box HM 3210, Hamilton HM NX.
Hartford Insurance
Healthstar Indemnity
Incorporated November 20, 2002. Class 1.
Heddington Insurance
The captive for ChevronTexaco
Helicon Re Holdings
Started by investors to insure White Mountains after the record 2005 hurricane season boosted demand for coverage.
Helmsman Insurance Group
May 2002. Class 3.
Henner Insurance
October 2001. Class 3.
Hillcot Holdings
Formed in 2003 by Castlewood Holdings Ltd and Japan's Shinsei Bank Ltd. to buy the UK subsidiary of Japanese insurer Toa Reinsurance Company for $46 million.
Hiscox Insurance Company (Bermuda)
2005. Class 4. Owned By Hiscox PLC, one of the UK’s largest specialty insurers, formerly at Lloyd's of London, but now moved to Bermuda tied in to other Hiscox insurers abroad. One of the UK's leading insurers of higher value homes and also one of the most expensive of medium-value homes .In August 2007 (and to be repeated in February 2008) it launched a TV and print media advertising campaign across most of the UK The majority of affluent homeowners in the UK still choose to buy standard insurance policies, unaware of the benefits of buying specialist higher value home insurance products.
Horseshoe Group
In 2008 added life actuarial consulting and company management to its Bermuda-based services. Also offers claims-related services in the US. Provides consulting and management services to life insurance and reinsurance companies in Bermuda and also assists in the life insurance related securitizations taking place outside the US.
HSBC Insurance Solutions (Bermuda)
Continental Building, 25 Church Street, Hamilton. P. O. Box HM 3033, Hamilton HM NX. Established by HSBC Insurance Brokers. One of the world's largest banking and insurance groups, headquartered in London, with 5,000 offices in 80 countries. Opened in 2002.
HSBC Life (International)
As above
May 2003. Class 3.
Hudson Reinsurance Company
Formerly a subsidiary of Amphion Holdings Inc., now Castlewood Holdings Ltd
IAS Park
Formerly - until April 2003 - Mutual Risk Management Ltd. 48 Church Street, Hamilton HM 12. (441) 295-5688. (441) 292-1867. P. O. Box HM 2064, Hamilton HM HX. It owns Valmet, based in the Isle of Man. Robert Mulderig has left, replaced by David Ezekiel as CEO. Part of MRM Global Captive Group Ltd
IES Reinsurance
Incorporated 28 January 2002 as a direct result of the tragic September 11, 2001 World Trade Center and related events. Class 1.
Imagine Insurance Company
Wholly owned subsidiary of the below company. Had a very successful 2002.
Imagine Reinsurance Holdings
A finite risk reinsurance enterprise delivering structured insurance and reinsurance solutions to clients. Has a Dublin office. 100 percent owned by Trilon Financial Corporation & Management, a Canadian financial services company. Purchased Enterprise Re in June 2001.
Inpex Insurance
January 2008. Class 1
Independent Agents Insurance Company
Established in 2001, owned by Leading Edge Holdings, also Bermuda-based, established by the Independent Insurance Agents Association of New York
ING Risk Management (Bermuda)
P. O. Box HM 1978, Hamilton HM HX.
Inner Circle Insurance Company
Since April 2005. Class 3.
Insurance Services (Bermuda)
Since April 2005. Class 1.
Insurance Solutions
Since April 2005. Class 3.
Insured Ventures
Incorporated 5 December 2001. Class 3.
Integro Bermuda
May 2005. Provides risk management and brokerage services to companies with complex risk. Bermuda HQ, also with offices in London, Toronto and USA. Founding partners were Robert Clements, Roger Egan and Peter Garvey to serve the complex insurance and risk management needs of large institutional risks. New York-based insurance brokerage. Some employees are Bermuda-based. Maxwell Roberts building, Par-la-Ville Road.
Inter-Ocean Holdings
A specialist insurance and low-retention finite reinsurance company since 1990. Until 2003, owned in part by the Argus Group of Bermuda.
International Advisory Services (IAS)
P. O. Box HM 2274, Hamilton HM JX. A leading insurance management company and part of MRM Global Captive Group Ltd
International Property Catastrophe Reinsurance
American International Building, 29 Richmond Road, Hamilton HM 08. P. O. Box HM 152, Hamilton. Phone 295-2121.
International Risk Management (Bermuda)
Belvedere Building, Pitts Bay Road, Pembroke. Phone 295-0713
International Tanker Indemnity Association
44 Church Street, Hamilton HM 12. Phone292-3580. Fax 292-5898
Inter-Ocean NA Insurance Co
Incorporated 9 August 2002.
Inter-Ocean Reinsurance Company
Wessex House, 4th Floor, 45 Reid Street. Hamilton. Phone 292-5794. Fax 292-5552. Parented by Inter-Ocean Holdings, now partly owned by GMAC Insurance Holdings Ltd. One of the principal Bermuda companies.
American International Building, 29 Richmond Road, Pembroke HM 08. Phone 298-5100. Fax 292-8085. Owned by IPC Holdings Ltd.
Ironsure Insurance
Owners of Ironsure Re.
Ironsure Re
Incorporated October 2006 by Robert Clements, co-founder of Bermuda giants Ace Ltd. and XL Capital. With more than $1 billion in capital. A subsidiary of Ironshore Inc. Class 4 insurer, created in response to crisis conditions in the United States property catastrophe insurance markets. Specializing in the latter in wind-exposed parts of the USA. Staff are based in Bermuda, 3rd floor, Swan Building, Victoria Street, Hamilton. Its US subsidiary, Ironshore Holdings (US) Inc., completed in October 2007 the acquisition of Stockbridge Insurance Co., a US-based admitted insurance company, from Folksamerica Reinsurance Co.
Ironshore's 2008 created excess casualty facility. Writes excess umbrella casualty for mid-sized commercial risks such as manufacturing accounts, retail and wholesale operations, and contractors.
Jacques-Cartier Reinsurance Company
Formed 2006, Class 1
Jackson National Life (Bermuda)
Formed 15 April 2003 by Appleby Spurling & Kempe. Long Term. With its own Private Bill Act.
Jericho Financial Guaranty Re
January 2008. Class 3
JLT Risk Solutions (Bermuda)
See below. Fax 292-4496
JLT Risk Solutions Management (Bermuda)
Vallis Building, 3rd Floor, 58 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton. P. O. Box HM 1838, Hamilton HM HX. Captive Management.
Incorporated May 10, 2000
Incorporated 13 March 2002 as a direct result of the tragic September 11, 2001 World Trade Center and related events. Class 3.
Kiln PLC
2007. Class 4. The fourth largest operator in the Lloyd's market moved its headquarters from London to Bermuda and set up a $309 million reinsurance subsidiary here. May use its Bermuda base to expand in the USA. In the UK it provides energy, marine, property and aviation cover but told the Daily Telegraph newspaper in its 07/07/07 report that it will reduce its underwriting capacity in the London market from 2008 amid increased competition and falling premiums.
Kitson Marine and General Insurance Company
KM Insurance Ltd
Since 2005. Class 2.
Lancashire Holdings
Parent company of October 2005 start-up Lancashire Insurance. A $1.38 billion capitalized international insurer, now also listed on the Bermuda Stock Exchange.
Lancashire Insurance (Bermuda)
2005. 5 Par-Ka-Ville Road, Hamilton HM 08. Phone 441-278-8950. Fax 441-278--8951. website Class 4. Formed by Richard Brindle and Capital Z Financial Services Partners. Began with about $1 billion in capital. Sells marine, energy and other short-tail risks.
Lansdowne Insurance Company
Incorporated by Act of Parliament 20 March 2002. Windsor Place, Church, Queen and Reid Streets, Hamilton.
Lantana Insurance
Incorporated 31 July 2002. Class 3.
Latin American Reinsurance Company
XL House, 1 Bermudiana Road, Hamilton HM 12.
Latitude Insurance
January 2008. Class 3.
Since 6 February 2002. Class 3.
LCI Insurance
Since 2 October 2002. Class 1.
Leeward Insurance Company
Formed 23 May 2003. Class 3.
Lehman Re
Ram Re House, 2nd Floor, 46 Reid Street, Hamilton HM 12. (441) 294-0000. (441) 296-8452. Subsidiary of the US investment bank Lehman Brothers.
Le Mans Re
A joint Bermuda-based venture formed in 2001 of XL Capital Ltd and Les Mutuelles du Mans Assurances Group (MMA)
Lexington Insurance
A new (2007) part of the giant American International Group, based at the AIG offices on Richmond Road.
Libre Insurance Company
Since 18 September 2002. Class 3.
Liberty Mutual Management (Bermuda)
3rd Floor, 73 Front Street, Hamilton. Phone 296-2131. Fax 296-8846. A wholly-owned subsidiary of Liberty Mutual in USA.
Liberty II Assurance
Formed 2006, Class 1
Life Sciences Insurance Co.
Since May 1, 2002. Class 1.
Lockton Cos
Owned by Global insurance broker Lockton Cos. Inc, Kansas City-based company.
Longtail Re
Since 12 December 2001. Class 3.
Lonmin Insurance
Since 21 September 2001. Class 1.
Lucent Insurance Ltd
Since April 2005. Class 2.
Part 2 of this list
125+ files on other aspects of Bermuda
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