Your personal health care can be very expensive. One serious illness can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars, and often more. Health insurance can help you meet these costs, but health insurance policies also can be very confusing. The Student Health Insurance Office (949) 824-4042, 824-7093, 824-9415 can help you sort through that confusion by answering questions you may have.
Undergraduate Students
Effective fall quarter 2001 the Regents of the University of California instituted health insurance coverage as a condition of enrollment for all undergraduate students. This link will take you to details explaining the Regents decision This insurance is now included in your student fees, and enrollment in the plan is automatic when you pay your fees. You may waive out of this plan if you can demonstrate comparable and verifiable health coverage that meets the campus' minimum standards for insurance.
The Student Health Center is the primary care facility for students covered by the USHIP. In order to take advantage of your insurance plan, all medical care must begin at Student Health. If you need a medical service that we cannot provide, you will be referred to a qualified provider in the community. If you are a member of USHIP, the cost of your medical care will be billed directly to your insurance plan.
Students who waive out of the plan, but use Student Health, will pay at the time of service and will be given an itemized receipt they may submit to their insurance carrier for reimbursement.
See further information on plan benefits or waiving out.
Graduate Students
By vote of the Associated Graduate Students, health insurance coverage is mandatory for all graduate students. The premium for this insurance is assessed each quarter on your registration fee statement and the insurance provides year-round (12-month) coverage. If you're already covered by an approved health insurance plan through your work, a parent, or a spouse, you may apply to waive this insurance by completing a waiver form available from the UCI-Gottschalk Medical Plaza.
The Gottschalk Medical Plaza is the primary care facility for students covered by the GSHIP. Graduate students can be seen at Student Health by special referral and only with prior authorization from the GSHIP Coordinator.
Effective 9/17/2003, Student Health Center will no longer directly bill GSHIP for services rendered. If seen at Student Health Center, GSHIP members will pay fee for service at the time of service. An itemized receipt will be provided for insurance reimbursement.
For further information, contact Beth Laham at (949) 824-2388 or, see the GSHIP Web page.