

Frequently Asked Questions for Deposit Insurance
Bank FindSearch for your bank to find out if it is insured; find the locations of your bank’s branches; find out if your bank has merged or been acquired; or review your bank’s history.
Are My Deposits Insured? Find out how FDIC deposit insurance works and estimate coverage on your deposits.
Uninsured InvestmentsDetermine which investments are not insured by the FDIC.
The Deposit Insurance FundLearn about the FDIC's risk-based premium system and the deposit insurance reform legislation. This includes the FDIC's Assessment Rate Calculator.
International Deposit InsuranceFind out how the FDIC fosters communication and coordination among other countries' deposit insurance systems.

Consumer News & InformationRead FDIC's free publications, become a better informed consumer, and submit comments and bank complaints.
Loans & MortgagesRead tips for picking a mortgage or loan that is right for you.
Banking & Your MoneyTips for protecting your bank accounts and money.
Financial Education & LiteracyObtain education on important financial issues and topics.
Community AffairsLearn how Community Affairs programs help to meet community credit needs.
Identity Theft & FraudLearn how to protect yourself from identity theft and fraud.
Consumer Financial PrivacyUnderstand financial privacy and how to protect yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions for Industry Analysis Bank Data & StatisticsUse searchable databases to find information on specific banks, their branches, and the industry.
Research & AnalysisAccess FDIC policy research and analysis of regional and national banking trends.
Failed BanksLearn how accounts and loans are affected when a bank fails, how to seek unclaimed funds, and how to obtain a lien release.

Frequently Asked Questions for Regulation and Examinations
Bank ExaminationsLearn how the FDIC examines banks.
Laws & RegulationsReview the laws and regulations that govern the actions of FDIC-insured institutions.
FDICconnectAccess the FDIC's e-government site for bankers.
Required Financial ReportsReview guidelines, forms, and instructions for preparing the Report of Condition and Income or the Thrift Financial Report.
Resources for Bank Officers & DirectorsExplore resources specifically designed for banking professionals.
Examiner Training ProgramsLearn about training programs for both federal and state examiners.

Frequently Asked Questions for Asset Sales
Loan SalesLearn everything you need to know about buying loans from the FDIC.
Real Estate SalesLearn everything you need to know about buying real estate from the FDIC.
Other Asset SalesInvestigate the inventory of other assets for sale -- including office furniture, fixtures, and equipment.
Historical SalesReview detailed information on past asset sale
