
SAIC Insurance Information & Memorandums of Insurance

Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) and its subsidiaries take seriously our contractual obligations to comply with our customers' insurance requirements. As a result, we maintain a wide range of insurance programs with comprehensive policy terms and conditions.
To simplify and enhance how we evidence insurance information to our customers, we are now using our web site to provide Memorandums of Insurance (MOIs) in lieu of manually issuing thousands of individual certificates of insurance. These MOIs, including policy endorsements, are available for viewing and downloading at any time for your convenience.
The attached Memorandums of Insurance and policy endorsements evidence our compliance with agreed to insurance-related contract terms and conditions. In many cases, the MOI and endorsements provide you with even more information than what was previously provided on a standard Certificate of Insurance. In addition, should you prefer to obtain a Memorandum of Insurance directly from our insurance broker Marsh, a link to their web site is also available.
Should you have any questions about our MOIs, please first refer to the FAQ page. If you require additional assistance, please contact us.
Access the Memorandums of Insurance:
MOI for SAIC (53k PDF file*)
MOI for Bd Systems (58k PDF file*)
MOI for Benham (48k PDF file*) MOI for EAI (47k PDF file*)
MOI for EMA (52k PDF file*)
MOI for SM Consulting (47k PDF file*)
MOI for Varec (48k PDF file*)
MOI for Marsh (www.marsh.com)
