
Waiving Out

All UCI undergraduate students are automatically enrolled in USHIP and charged a health insurance fee as part of registration at UCI. If you are currently covered by major medical health insurance that is comparable to University of California USHIP guidelines, and your insurance carrier has a US claims processing office, you have the option of waiving out of the plan — declining the service —and not paying this fee.
UCI students studying abroad through the Education Abroad Program are enrolled in a different insurance plan by EAP and are not eligible for USHIP during the quarters you are away. You should not complete this application for the quarters you are abroad.
Here's how to apply for a USHIP waiver for the 2008-2009 academic year:
Go to Zot Account Online and login using your UCINetID and password. If you have not activated your UCINetID, you may click here to do so.
Complete the on-line waiver form in Zot Account Online.If you don't know the answers to the questions on the waiver application, please call the Member or Customer Service number on your insurance card for assistance. Incorrect answers could result in delay or denial of your waiver application.(Please note: You must have Internet Explorer 5.0 or Netscape 6.0 or higher to use the on-line waiver form. The latest versions of the software can be downloaded from the Web. AOL users please note, your AOL browser is not compatible with this system. After you have connected to the Internet using AOL, open the Windows application and select either Internet Explorer or Netscape. Please use IE 5.0 or Netscape 6.0 or higher.)
Please submit your waiver application as soon as possible. If you wait until the last minute, you risk running into an overloaded computer system. Submit the on-line waiver form, from Zot Account Online, no later than September 5, 2008.
Your insurance coverage will be compared to UC USHIP guidelines and a waiver will be granted or denied based on the comparison. If your plan does not fulfill all the requirements, the fee will not be waived and you must purchase the plan.
If you are granted a waiver, it is valid only for the 2008-2009 academic year. You must complete a new waiver application annually. If your personal insurance lapses, you may not join USHIP until the beginning of the next academic quarter.
If you do not attend Fall or Winter quarter your waiver becomes invalid. Upon your return to UCI you must contact the USHIP office prior to paying fees to have your waiver reinstated.
You will be notified by UCI e-mail if your application is approved, denied, or further information is required. You may also check your USHIP waiver status on Zot Account Online. (If you pay your fees before you have been notified that you have been granted a waiver, be sure you pay the entire fee amount. If you deduct the health insurance amount from the amount of fees you pay and your waiver request is denied, you run the risk of having your classes dropped unless you pay the remainder of the fee before the registration fee deadline, September 15, 2008.)
Be sure to read the instructions in the on-line form and complete the entire form, in English and US currency. After you have completed the form and accepted its terms.
Use your browser's "print" function to print a copy of the form for your records.
Click on the "Submit" button at the end of the form. The waiver submission is not complete until you click the "Submit" button.
Wait until the system returns a confirmation message that you should print to use as proof of your submission. Your confirmation number is the only verification that your waiver application was submitted. If no confirmation number is displayed your waiver application was not received.
Check your UCI e-mail in a few days to verify whether your waiver application has been approved, denied or further information is required.
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