
Waiving SHIP

Information about the 2008-2009 Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) is now available. There are changes to next year's plan which include some benefit increases and the addition of vision coverage for SHIP members. For more information, please read the Changes to the SHIP 2008-2009 Academic Year Plan.
If you are a new student accepted to begin in the 2008 fall term, please visit our information for new students.
How to Waive SHIP
If you have comparable health insurance and want to waive participation in SHIP for the 2008-2009 academic year, you may file a SHIP waiver application online. Waiver applications need to be submitted only once each academic year. Please see the SHIP 2008-2009 Where and When To File page for information about waiver application deadlines throughout the year. If you do not file a waiver application, you will be enrolled in SHIP and the SHIP fee will be billed to your student account along with your registration fees.
Apply for a SHIP waiver on-line *now available
If you are unable to complete an online waiver application, you may submit a paper application.
Medical students may not use the online waiver or paper waiver (see special information for med students).
If you are unable to complete an on-line waiver application or to download the paper application, call the CSHC Insurance Services message line at 530.752.6055 to request assistance.
Information about waiving SHIP enrollment
When you consider the impact that illness, injury, or a chronic condition can have on your life, and the extent to which poor health can interfere with your academic success, the importance of accessible, high-quality, comprehensive health care for students becomes clear. The combination of SHIP with the services at Student Health Services (SHS) provides outstanding coverage for students' healthcare needs.
It is important to carefully consider the decision to waive SHIP. We have attempted on this webpage to provide some information to help you make an informed decision. Please take a few minutes to review how the health care package works at UC Davis and how enrollment in SHIP may be of benefit to you. We recommend that students consider not waiving SHIP because it is:
At $286 per quarter for undergraduates and $618 for graduate students ($927 per semester for law students), SHIP provides outstanding year-round medical and dental overage. Prescriptions purchased at CSHC are only $15 ($20 name-brand) for SHIP members.
Student Health Services is centrally located on campus for easy access at the Cowell Student Health Center. Local hospitals and almost all local health care providers and dentists are “in-network” providers, who provide care at specially contracted prices. Students can find Anthem Blue Cross, Delta Dental, VSP vision providers all over the United States, obtaining the best possible prices for care nationwide.
Insurance Services staff at SHS provide health insurance counseling and help SHIP members make appointments with local physicians when students are referred for off-campus care.
Dependable & Portable
SHIP provides medical and dental coverage worldwide, twelve months a year. This means students have medical coverage at school and when they visit family, travel and study abroad. This may be especially important to you if you belong to an HMO that provides care only in certain geographic regions.
SHIP provides medical, mental health, dental, and vision coverage - meeting a full range of students' health needs.
Useful as Secondary Insurance
SHIP can provide excellent secondary insurance to your existing plan at a low cost to you. If your existing medical plan has an annual deductible of over $200 or a maximum annual out-of-pocket limit greater than $3000, enrolling in SHIP may enhance your existing coverage and result in a net savings to you if you incur medical expenses this year. Additionally, by maintaining SHIP as a secondary health insurance plan, you may achieve better access to health services in the Davis area without having to modify your existing coverage at home.
International Students
If you are an international student, please read this important information about SHIP that applies to you.
