
Every Pop Warner organization is required to carry insurance for the following reasons:

1) Players, cheerleaders, coaches, volunteers and spectators may become injured and require insurance to cover medical expenses.
2) Valuable equipment and other property can become damaged, destroyed or stolen, and insurance covers the value or replacement of that property.
3) Volunteers may not handle funds honestly and insurance can protect from that dishonesty.
4) Volunteers and their organizations can be sued for a variety of other reasons and may require insurance.
Since insurance is of vital importance to the success of the programs, an Insurance Coordinator should be appointed who will spend considerable time on this major responsibility.
POP WARNER INSURANCE PROGRAM (For Tackle, Flag Football and Cheerleading Activities)
Pop Warner offers low-cost, broad insurance coverage as a benefit to its members. The Plan is specifically written to meet the needs of Pop Warner Little Scholars. The Pop Warner Insurance Committee, in conjunction with its Broker, periodically reviews the cyclical insurance marketplace to obtain the broadest possible coverage at the most competitive price. The Official Insurance Plan Brochure is updated annually, typically, in late April of each calendar year. Plan information is then posted on the Pop Warner website (www.popwarner.com) and forwarded to all members.
Pop Warner is well positioned, based on its 79+ year history, national scope and impressive safety record, to secure competitive rates and comprehensive coverage while maintaining an excellent reputation and close working relationships within the insurance marketplace. All insurance carriers participating in the Pop Warner Insurance Program are rated either A+ or A by A.M. Best.
The following information is valid for the Pop Warner Insurance Program, available only for Pop Warner Football and Spirit Programs, for the Policy Period beginning July 25, 2008 and ending July 25, 2009.
Depending on the insurance marketplace, specific details may change from year to year; accordingly, please refer to the Official Pop Warner Insurance Plan Brochure to review the most current update. The Plan Brochure can be accessed at www.popwarner.com or by contacting the National Office.
If you are currently purchasing insurance coverage through another source or might be considering such an option, we would certainly appreciate the opportunity to discuss how to improve our insurance offering to meet your needs , by providing competitive pricing, comprehensive coverage and excellent customer service. Please call the National Office to take advantage of this opportunity.
Types of Coverage Available under the Program:
-Excess Accident Medical Expense Insurance:
-Liability Insurance:
-Equipment and Property Insurance:
-Blanket Fidelity Bond:
-Directors & Officers Liability Insurance:

2008 Pop Warner Insurance Forms
2008 Season Insurance Enrollment Form:
2008-09 Insurance Plan Enrollment 2008 Enrollment Form
Certificate of Insurance: 2008 Request for Certificate I Instructions
2008 Season Medical Claim Form: Click Here
2008 Equipment Loss Claim Form: Claim Form I Property Loss Procedures
Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc., provides excess accident coverage for registered participants through AIG Insurance. The excess policy covers accidents that occur during sponsored activities and is secondary to the participants' group medical insurance.
When a player is injured, the claim must first be submitted to the primary insurance. As soon as possible after an accident, the injured player, or parents, if the player is a minor, must call AIGCS Customer Service at 800-551-0824 to request a claim form. The claim form can also be obtained by downloading from our website.
A representative of the league, coach or league official, must complete and sign Section A of the claim form. This is for verification purposes to confirm that the player was injured while participating in a sponsored event. The injured player, or parent, must complete and sign Section B.
Submit the completed AIG form, itemized medical bills (balance due statements are not acceptable) and the primary insurance explanations of benefits to the AIGCS claim office address on the form. If the injured player has no other insurance, that information must be noted on the claim form. The AIG policy becomes primary in the absence of other valid insurance.

2008 Pop Warner Insurance Forms for CAMPS
2008 Season Camp Insurance Brochure
Click Here
Medical Claim Form for Camps & Clinics Click Here
